
04 May 2017

«This is going to be an entirely different kind of stadium»

During the master class given by the head of business development at «Valencia» FC Julian Salas, he spoke, in particular, about the prospects of the postponed construction of the new stadium.

«This is quite a long story. And in certain ways it’s a sad one, — Julian Salas shared his thoughts with the students of „Management in Sports“ RMA program. We began the construction of Nuevo Mestalla a whole 10 years ago, back in 2007. However, this project was not meant to have been completed, the time went on, but ultimately the project got nowhere…

There were numerous obstacles — from purely financial to political and even corruption in nature. While this has been dragging on, the 75 thousand seat stadium, which was designed by the Brit Mark Fenvick, became morally outdated. And due to this fact, the project had to undergo a major revision, and four years ago in 2013 thewly revised version has been finalized, and the construction phase has now been scheduled for the next year.

As a result, the occupancy of the „New Mestalia“ will now be only marginally higher than the historic one — at 61 thousand seats, compared to 55 thousand historically. However, this is going to be an entirely different kind of stadium, sporting ultra modern amenities, large number of VIP seating, and corporate lounges, all of which will undoubtably allow „Valencia“ to increase it’s operational revenue. The completion of the construction is aimed for 2021, and we are all hoping that the schedule will be upheld. And concerning the old „Mestalia“, after the club will relocate to the new stadium it will be demolished and the land it currently occupies will be used for a residential project», — said Julian Salas.

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